
Man Attacks Women’s Health Center

A man drove his car into the lobby of a women’s health center in Davenport, Iowa on Monday, attempting to destroy what he thought was an abortion clinic. David McMenemy, a Detroit native, crashed his car into the Edgerton Women’s Health Center, driving into the building’s interior. He poured gasoline inside the car, hoping to create a blaze that would create significant damage to the building and kill himself, too, the Detroit Free Press reports. He has been charged with second-degree arson and is being held without bond; according to the Macomb Daily, McMenemy has pled not guilty.

The clinic, which has a large obstetrical program and runs the local Women Infant Child (WIC) program, does not offer abortion services or referrals for women seeking abortions. In his affidavit, McMenemy said he thought the center was an abortion clinic, the Detroit Free Press reports. Police are concerned that McMenemy may be connected with others who frequently commit acts of violence against women’s clinics, though no links have been established.

The health center sustained severe damage and will require a week or more before reopening for repairs. The crash occurred in the early morning when the building was vacant; no one was hurt.

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Quad-Cities Online 9/11/06; Detroit Free Press 9/14/06; Macomb Daily 9/13/06

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